EPISODE 2 - How do we cope with the current food/petrol and bills inflation/ in addition do you think this could have been handled better by government

In this episode we will be discussing the possibility of being vaccinated before entry...To almost anywhere...
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About This Episode

One of the main impacts that COVID has had is in the closing of many bars, restaurants, clubs, festivals, and venues etc. throughout the world due to the risk of people transmitting illness to others in enclosed spaces. 

As the vaccine is being rolled out worldwide to many, it will be predicted that many places will be able to open slowly to the public again, however in some cases only those people who have been vaccinated and can prove that they have done so will be allowed to enter these premises.

Also where i have the writing ‘Many podcasts speak, I like to add the full stop!‘ and we have the man standing drinking a cup of tea, is there anyway we can make him look a bit more clearer in detail as he looks a bit dull compared the other pictures.

EPISODE 2 - Many Events/Venues Will Require You to Be Vaccinated Before Entering

In this episode we will be discussing the possibility of being vaccinated before entry...To almost anywhere...
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About This Episode

One of the main impacts that COVID has had is in the closing of many bars, restaurants, clubs, festivals, and venues etc. throughout the world due to the risk of people transmitting illness to others in enclosed spaces. 

As the vaccine is being rolled out worldwide to many, it will be predicted that many places will be able to open slowly to the public again, however in some cases only those people who have been vaccinated and can prove that they have done so will be allowed to enter these premises.

Also where i have the writing ‘Many podcasts speak, I like to add the full stop!‘ and we have the man standing drinking a cup of tea, is there anyway we can make him look a bit more clearer in detail as he looks a bit dull compared the other pictures.

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